Tips for Renters
If you're a renter, find out how to save money and energy while promoting a more comfortable home for yourself, and a friendlier environment for everyone.
There are programs out there with residential energy experts to help make your home more comfortable while paying less in monthly bills.
Review your opportunities here, then have a conversation with your landlord. Property owners can get substantial rebates when they make energy-efficient upgrades. You both win.

Let your property owner know that BayREN has a program to help upgrade multifamily buildings. And you could save, too.

Get a free Energy Efficiency Kit to make energy efficiency upgrades at home!

The California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program can provide a monthly discount of 20% or more on gas and electricity. This is an income qualifying program.

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) Program provides financial assistance with utility bills for renters at a 60% State Median Income or below.

Get paid to turn off your lights. Sign up and reduce your energy consumption at critical times, for free.

Get help lowering your energy bill with this free savings program by HomeIntel and PG&E.